Check out the state news release about Wisconsin child care providers joining the fight against childhood obesity.
"We know that focusing on nutrition and physical activity in kids before age 5 promotes life-long healthy habits," said Karen Timberlake, Department of Health Services Secretary. "With hildren spending, on average, more than 30 hours per week in child care centers, these providers are well placed to help get kids moving and enjoying physical activity."
"By participating in Active Early, I hope it will bring more activity into the daily lives of the children in my care," said Darlene Tanck, owner of Dolly’s Daycare in the Merrill Foto News.
"By participating in Active Early, I hope it will bring more activity into the daily lives of the children in my care," said Darlene Tanck, owner of Dolly’s Daycare in the Merrill Foto News.
Read the full story here: http://www.merrillfotonews.com/usersubmittedstories/113078704.html
That's a great quote from Karen!