Monday, March 21, 2011

Remember to "Keep it Local" When Planning for JFCs

Guest post written by Spencer Straub, Media & Communications Coordinator for the Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention and Control Program.

This season of Joint Finance Committee hearings is sure to be unlike any other. People from all walks of life throughout all parts of the state will be prepared to discuss a variety of issues, and it's important to be part of that discussion. However, while you're recruiting speakers, writing testimony, and planning JFC trips, don't forget the important role earned media can play in your communications efforts.

With the number of issues sure to be discussed at JFC, don't ignore the impact that a well-written letter to the editor in a legislator's home town paper can have. While many people will be reaching for the microphone at the hearings, not everyone will think to tell their story to the local media.

Letters are just one strategy--try holding an event on your issue and invite your local media to cover it. When effectively planned, local media outreach can effectively complement your JFC strategy.

The best part is, if you're planning your JFC presence, chances are you've already written testimony that can be re-purposed into a letter to the editor. Good letters, just like solid testimony, tell a human story of your issue's impact--or your program's success. Take advantage of your existing resources to maximize your impact.

Sometimes just getting started is the hardest part of writing testimony or letters to the editor. Luckily there are tools to help you get your feet wet. Click
here for letter to the editor resources and here for testimony preparation tips to help you get started.

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips, Spencer! Earned media may be the best way for our stories to be heard in this landscape of big crowds.
