Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Public Health Trek Across Wisconsin

The Public Health Trek Across Wisconsin is a pre-conference kick-off to the 2011 joint WPHA-WALHDAB Annual Conference in Appleton (May 24-26, 2011 – http://www.wpha.org)

Day 1: Starting in St. Croix Falls State Park (Polk County) on Saturday, May 21st, Public Health Trekkers will run, bike and/or walk through Polk, Barron, Dunn and Western portion of Chippewa counties.

Day 2: May 22nd, Trekkers will enjoy Eastern Chippewa, Clark and Wood counties.

Day 3: May 23rd, the view will include Portage, Waupaca and Outagamie counties, ending in Appleton.

The Trek is a great way to bring awareness to the importance of a personal wellness lifestyle that includes regular physical activity.

To sign up for a segment of the Trek or for more information on how you can participate at home, go to the Public Health Trek blog. http://publichealthtrekacrosswisconsin.blogspot.com/

Even if you don’t live nearby, you are strongly encouraged to join us for a segment of the Trek. If you can’t participate in person, you can cheer on your colleagues who are and/or log your physical activity during these three days on the PH Trek blog at http://publichealthtrekacrosswisconsin.blogspot.com/

Help us reach our goal of 1,000 activity miles logged.

T-shirts available: You can order a Public Health Trek t-shirt for $10. Just go to the PH Trek blog at http://publichealthtrekacrosswisconsin.blogspot.com/

If you have any questions about the Trek itself, please contact Kurt Eggebrecht at the Appleton Health Department at kurt.eggebrecht@appleton.org

(NOTE: Trekkers are responsible for their own food/drink, lodging / transportation and personal safety, including helmets.)

1 comment:

  1. Kelp - Very interesting post. I really enjoy to read this awesome blog post.
