We are lucky to have a strong state Complete Streets Law in Wisconsin, but in La Crosse County, for example, 53% of road projects use local funding and wouldn’t be covered by our state and federal Complete Streets laws. Through the adoption of local complete streets policies, we can create a seamless network of cities, towns, streets and highways that encourage people to walk out their front doors and be active.
To help support Complete Streets, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, in partnership with the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin, has formed a state-wide Complete Streets Network. Complete Streets state-wide networking calls are hosted bi-monthly, and are open to individuals throughout the state who are interested in learning more about the benefits of local Complete Streets policies, and how individuals and organizations can effectively develop Complete Streets initiatives in their communities. To join or learn more about the Complete Streets network, please contact Julie Logue via email at julie.logue@wisconsin.gov. To learn more about La Crosse’s Complete Streets initiative, please contact Jack Zabrowski at zabrowski.jack@co.la-crosse.wi.us. You can follow progress in La Crosse by visiting the “LaCrosse Complete Streets” Facebook page, and/or the GetActive La Crosse website.
Photo from pedbikeimages.org
GREAT post. Didn't realize half of road projects aren't covered by the state law.