Thursday, July 7, 2011

Expanding access to healthy foods at the Wausau Farmers Market

Source: "Getting it fresh: New program opens Farmers Market to food stamp recipients," Wausau Daily Herald, July 2, 2011

Central Wisconsin food stamp recipients now can buy fresh produce and other food at the Wausau Farmers Market.

The new initiative started Saturday and was made possible through the Marathon County Health Department and other partners. It's meant to help low-income individuals and families gain access to healthy, fresh food. It also is another weapon in the battle against obesity, said Amanda Ostrowski, a public health educator with the Marathon County Health Department.

Low-income people enrolled in FoodShare, the state's food stamp program, can use their Quest cards to receive tokens -- worth $1 each -- that can be used to buy food from participating vendors. The tokens can be used only for items approved by the program, such as produce, cheese, eggs, bakery items, spices and maple syrup.

"People can use their Quest cards to buy (processed) food at convenience stores," Ostrowski said. "Now, at least, they have a healthier option."

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1 comment:

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